Join us as we honor the beginning of the season of lent. We will have a simple potluck meal of bread and soup at 6:00 p.m., followed by an Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 p.m. Service will include the imposition of ashes. Click HERE for the bulletin.
Lenten Devotionals -- A Lenten Group will meet each Thursday evening starting Feb. 26 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom to discuss the book "Inward Work for Outward Living," which includes:
Daily readings of the ancient spiritual practice, examen, that focuses on honest assessment and intimate reflection.
A different theme for each week of Lent, focussing on the connection between internal contemplation and outward action.
Each daily reflection will combine personal reflection with meditation, visualization and short prayers.
To join the devotional reading, contact the church office at for Zoom meeting information.
CLICK HERE for a full schedule of Lent and Easter Events!